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Employee Spotlight: Dimas Prasetya, Head of Country Operations

Written by
Employer Branding
Published on
July 18, 2024
Updated on
July 18, 2024

In this month’s employee spotlight, we had the chance to speak with Dimas, who has been our Head of Country Operations for the past two years. According to Dimas, daily huddles are akin to race debriefs, where performances are reviewed, daily targets are set and priorities are aligned, ensuring optimized performance for efficiency. 

In order to approach continuous improvement and innovation within its processes, the Operations team has adopted a mindset of relentless pursuit of excellence, which is inspired by the constant innovation in motorsports. They do so by analyzing their processes, seeking feedback, and implementing cutting-edge technologies.

As the Head of Country Operations, Dimas faces challenges such as balancing speed and precision, ensuring timely and accurate delivery while adapting to unforeseen circumstances, which requires strategic foresight and quick decision-making.

Outside of work, Dimas enjoys watching Formula 1 and MotoGP races in particular. He shares that the high-speed competition and strategic depth of these sports provide both relaxation and inspiration, reminding him of the importance of precision, strategy, and teamwork.

Getting to know Dimas:
Q: How long have you been with Janio and what does a typical day in your role look like?
A: I've been with Janio almost two years now. My day starts with a strategy meeting, similar to a race debrief. We review our performance metrics, set daily targets, and align on priorities. Throughout the day, I ensure that all teams are synchronized, much like a team principal coordinating engineers, drivers, and pit crews to optimize performance on race day.

Q: In your view, what are the biggest operational challenges hindering the company from achieving its strategic goals?
A: One major challenge is managing the intricate logistics network. We face dynamic variables such as market fluctuations and regulatory changes, which require agile and strategic adjustments to stay competitive.

Q: What are some key metrics you track to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the Operations team?
A: We focus on delivery times, error rates, and customer satisfaction, analogous to monitoring lap times, pit stop efficiency, and driver feedback in F1. These metrics are essential for fine-tuning our operations and ensuring we maintain peak performance.

Q: How does the Operations team approach continuous improvement and innovation within its processes?
A: We adopt a mindset of relentless pursuit of excellence, inspired by the constant innovation in motorsports. We regularly analyze our processes, seek feedback, and implement cutting-edge technologies, much like a racing team continuously refining their car’s performance and strategy.

Q: What challenges do you face in your role?
A: Balancing speed and precision is a constant challenge. Ensuring we deliver timely and accurately while adapting to unforeseen circumstances requires strategic foresight and quick decision-making.

Q: Tell us something about your professional development journey.
A: My journey has been akin to a driver’s progression from junior categories to the pinnacle of motorsports. Each role has provided new challenges and learning opportunities, shaping my strategic thinking and leadership skills, much like a driver refining their racecraft over different circuits and conditions.

Q: What are the required skill sets to be in the Operations team?
A: Precision, quick decision-making, and adaptability are crucial. These skills are similar to those required on the race track – being sharp, responsive, and able to navigate complex situations with strategic insight.

Q: How does the Operations team prioritize and provide opportunities for professional development for its members?
A: We prioritize hands-on training and mentorship. Each member is given opportunities to take on new challenges and expand their skills, ensuring we build a robust and versatile team ready for any operational demands.

Q: What career advice would you give to your younger self?
A: Embrace every challenge as a chance to learn and grow. Perseverance and a strategic mindset are key to success. Always be willing to push the boundaries and learn from every experience, keeping your long-term goals in sight.

Q: What are your hobbies or activities that you look forward to doing on the weekends or after work?
A: I enjoy watching Formula 1 and MotoGP races in particular. The high-speed competition and strategic depth of these sports provide both relaxation and inspiration, reminding me of the importance of precision, strategy, and teamwork.

Q: What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?
A: Patience and persistence are key. Just like in motorsports, there will be tough races and close finishes, but staying focused and determined leads to success. Teamwork and effective communication are also vital – every driver needs a great pit crew.


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