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10 Soft Skills to Achieve Career Growth

Written by
Employer Branding
Published on
February 18, 2023
Updated on
August 3, 2023

What are soft skills and how are they different from hard skills? Soft skills are a combination of people, social, and communication skills, also character or personality traits, attitudes, career attributes, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence that enables employees to navigate their environment, work well with others, perform well, and achieve their goals with complementing hard skills.

Here are some tips on using soft skills to help elevate your career!

Communication skills:
Effective communication is essential in any role, especially in tech where information and ideas must be clearly conveyed to different stakeholders. This includes strong writing skills, active listening, clear and concise verbal communication, and effective nonverbal communication such as body language. Good communication skills also involve being able to tailor messages to different audiences and understand the perspectives and needs of others.

Problem-solving and critical thinking:
Problem-solving and critical thinking are vital skills in any role, where problems can be complex and involve multiple factors. This requires the ability to analyze data and information, identify patterns and connections, and find creative and effective solutions. Good critical thinkers are able to consider multiple perspectives and make informed decisions based on evidence and data.

Team collaboration and leadership:
Life at a workplace often requires teamwork, where success depends on the capacity to work effectively with others. This includes good interpersonal skills, conflict resolution, and the ability to lead and motivate a team toward a common goal. Effective leaders in tech are able to communicate their vision, delegate tasks, and create a positive and productive work environment.

Adaptability and flexibility:
As things are constantly changing, being able to adapt to new technologies and processes is one of the keys to success. This includes being open to new ideas and approaches and being able to pivot and change direction when necessary. Good adaptability also involves being able to work in fast-paced and rapidly changing environments and handling ambiguity and uncertainty.

Time management and organization:
With so many tasks and responsibilities, time management and organisation are crucial skills in tech. This includes prioritising tasks, managing time efficiently, and keeping track of information and resources. Good organisation also involves being able to create and maintain systems and processes that help ensure productivity and efficiency.

Networking and relationship building:
Building relationships and networking are important in any industry, particularly where opportunities and resources can be limited. This involves developing and maintaining professional relationships and being able to network and build connections within the industry. Good networking skills also involve being able to communicate and present oneself effectively and build trust and credibility with others.

Continuous learning and development:
Staying up-to-date with new technologies and approaches is essential for success. This involves a commitment to lifelong learning, and the pursuit of knowledge and skills to enhance personal and professional growth. Continuous learning also includes being open to feedback and criticism and willing to learn from mistakes and failures.

Creativity and innovation:
Creativity and innovation are essential skills where new and better ways of doing things are constantly sought. This includes being able to generate new ideas and approaches and thinking outside the box. Good creativity also involves being able to take risks, embrace change, and experiment with new solutions.

Emotional intelligence:
Emotional intelligence involves the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions, and the emotions of others. This includes being aware of one’s own emotional reactions and being able to regulate them and being able to understand the emotional state of others and respond appropriately. Good emotional intelligence is also key to effective communication, conflict resolution, and leadership.

Presentation and public speaking:
Being able to effectively present information and ideas to an audience is important in the workplace. This includes the ability to communicate in a persuasive and confident manner and to tailor messages to different audiences. Good presentation and public speaking skills also involve being able to understand and engage with the audience, and using nonverbal cues to enhance the message.

Now that we recognise the soft skills needed to move forward in our careers, we can work on being the key driver in our growth. Here at Janio, we value judgement, courage, excellence, and communication. It’s time to take ownership of our projects and seek and solve problems proactively.

Interested in joining us? Check out our open positions here or share your CV at

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