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Janio Product Update: Domestic Singapore Returns Service

Written by
Benedict Leong
Published on
May 18, 2021
Updated on
June 20, 2023

eCommerce merchants know the value of a great returns policy, particularly in Singapore. Especially when it comes to products that need to be tried on, such as fashion, returns are key. Many shoppers hate not getting the right fit and buy multiple sizes to try on before returning the ones that are not their size.

Fortunately for merchants based in Singapore, Janio has rolled out our returns programme for domestic returns in the country. For Janio shippers, you are now able to offer three types of return shipments for your online shoppers:

  • Return Pickups
  • Return Drop-offs
  • Letting Your Customers Choose from the Above Two

What is the Return Customer Experience Like?

Infographic detailing the customer journey for shoppers using Janio's returns service

Stage 1: Creating the Return Order

When your customer requests a return shipment, you’ll be able to create the return shipment order straight in Janio’s merchant portal. You’ll be able to choose whether the return is done via pick up or drop off, schedule the pick up date (if needed) and key in your desired return address.

Pick up

If you’re using the pick up option, you’ll be able to schedule the return date with us during the order creation. Please note that if you don’t provide a date, the default proposed pick up date will be 2 days after the date you created the return order, or the next earliest available date.


If you’re using the drop-off option, you won’t need to key in a date.

Screenshot of Janio's merchant portal - Submit Returns order first screen

Stage 2: Notifying and Authenticating the Customer’s Return Order

After the return order has been created, our team will send both an email and sms notification to your customer.

Screenshot of Janio's Return Pickup email that will be sent to your shoppers

Email with the order confirmation link that your shoppers will receive

Screenshot of the SMS that will be sent to your shoppers who are aiming to use Janio's return services

SMS version of the above

Once they’ve clicked on the link, they will be asked to verify the pick up confirmation via a one-time-password (OTP)

Screen for shoppers to verify their return orders via a one-time-password

Stage 3: Customer Chooses and Confirms Returns Arrangements

Once verification is complete, what the customer will need to confirm the details of their shipment. These include the list items being picked up, choosing between pick ups or drop offs as well as confirming the time or location of the pick up.

Letting your customer choose:

If this option is selected, your customer can choose the most convenient return service for them before going through their selected workflow below.

Screen where shoppers who are setting up a returns order choose between pickups or drop off arrangements


Your customer will either confirm or reschedule the pick up date with us. Pick ups will take place between 9am and 7pm on the scheduled date, with a phone call to confirm the pick up before the driver arrives.

Janio Returns - Pick up Screen for shoppers to reschedule pick up dates


Your customer first checks the items to be returned before selecting a drop off location.

There are around 87 drop-off locations Singapore-wide as of the time of this writing. You can see our list of active drop-off locations here.

Janio Returns - Drop off confirm items
Screen where your shoppers will confirm the items to be returned
Janio Returns - Choose Drop off location
Your shoppers will then be able to select the drop-off that works for them here

Once your customer has confirmed their returns arrangements, they’ll receive a confirmation notification from us.

Stage 4: Confirmation Email and SMS

The confirmation email they receive will have everything they need to prepare for their delivery. It contains:

  • The label they need to print on the parcel
  • Instructions for them to prepare the parcel
Pick up and drop off confirmation email for shoppers using Janio's return shipment services
Sample confirmation email that your customers will receive
Janio returns sms pickup confirmation
Janio returns sms drop off confirmation
Confirmation SMS’s for pick ups and drop-offs respectively

If you’re already shipping with us, you can contact your Janio agent for more information. If you’d like to start shipping with us, and want to find out more about returns, contact us via the button below:

Talk to Us